M7 (4) Electricity sub station - N GAUGE -
Picture includes illustration of model when complete.
Model comes in kit form and requires construction and painting.
The kit has been designed to portray the basic elements of a typical industrial sub-station without being over complicated and offers some flexibility as to the basic layout wanted.
One transformer and its supply lines are included. Concrete slabs have also been simulated to stand above the layout surface and warning signs are included to display as required. When assembled it occupies a small strip. If a sub-station with two or more transformers is required, additional kits can be obtained setting these up side by side or end to end.
A sub-station Control-Centre building is a separate kit (ref M8), making up as a realistically sized building as found supporting industrial areas. It includes a raised concrete entrance deck leading to 2-roller shutters and a personnel door plus handrails that fit to the front deck edge.